Part time baking position- around 20-25 hours/week currently, could grow into a full-time position for the right person.
Candidates must have experience baking, but not necessarily in a professional setting. We are willing to train if you’re willing to learn.
Duties will include, but not be limited to- pastry prep, morning bake offs, inventory, dishwashing/baking cleaning, etc.
The right candidate will be detail oriented, physically able to lift 50#, and passionate about making homemade, organic pastries and breads.
Hourly wage is commensurate with experience.
Part time (around 20 hours per week, could grow into more hours for the right person) milking position.
Candidates must have experience with and be comfortable around large animals (milking experience is beneficial, but not required) and physically able to lift 50# or more.
The right candidate will be focused on cleanliness, cow care, and be very reliable/punctual.
Duties will include, but not be limited to- milking, daily cow and calf care chores including bedding down, feeding with a skid steer, cleaning the barn and milking equipment, watching cows for heat, bottling milk/cleaning bulk tank, record keeping, and other dairy related chores.
We are willing to train the right person to operate a skid steer safely, if that’s not a current skill set.
Milkings wages are a set $40/milking, and chores are an hourly wage, commensurate with experience.
Part time (around 20 hours/week currently) farm store position, that will turn into full time around March. We could also make this a full time position currently, if desired.
Candidates must have a passion for organic produce and excellent hospitality/customer service skills.
Duties will include, but not be limited to: daily produce/product display and merchandising, daily task planning, order preparation, cashing customers out, sign making, register programming, re-stocking retail items, etc.
The right candidate will enjoy working in a sometimes fast paced environment, and enjoy being around people and produce.
Hourly wage is commensurate with experience.